Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Bruery. Facebook. Discuss!

Now that our Facebook page is up and running and some of you have become fans, we can utilize the discussion boards as a forum to talk all things Bruery and beer.

We’ve taken the liberty of beginning a few threads, including a discussion about distribution and where Bruery beer is available to you. 

Also, for all you homebrewers and anyone who’s interested in learning a little more about the process of brewing, we’ve added an “Ask the Brewer” thread in which our very own brewers will be available to answer your questions.  So whether you’ve hit a snag with your own recipe or you just want to know how we brew your favorite Bruery beer, this is a good place to visit. 

You can also start your own threads on anything you may be interested in, so look us up on Facebook and let us know what kinds of beer related topics you’d like to talk about!

Monday, February 23, 2009

A New Twist on St. Patrick's.

It's late February, and you know what that means - St. Patrick’s Day is rapidly approaching!  For the holiday that honors the Emerald Isle, Irish food, Irish music, and of course, Irish beer are typically the tradition.  This year though, The Bruery is inviting you to enjoy our own twist on this historically Irish holiday.

 In the spirit of our Belgian-Style brewery, we will be holding a Belgian saint’s day.  We’ll be honoring the patron saint of Belgian brewers, St. Veronus, with a lively event featuring some Belgian snacks and cheeses, and of course, our Belgian-Style brews!  We’ll even be breaking out a very special new beer for the celebration that will surely add a little extra excitement.  More details on that to come. 

 The event will take place on Saturday, March 14th from 2 – 6 pm, so you’ll have plenty of time to celebrate St. Pat’s the Irish way afterwards or on St. Patrick’s Day itself.  So before you go out for corned beef and Irish dancing, be sure to stop by the The Bruery and enjoy some Belgian traditions too!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Tasting Room, February 20 & 21

We've just installed our new cold room and as a result have had to change around our tasting room layout.  In the near future we will be installing a swank new bar setup into the cold room, but for this week we've done our best to meld the new and the old.  Here's the menu for this weekend:
Hope to see you here!

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Bruery on Facebook

The Bruery is entering the information age, slowly but surely.  Our latest venture to keep you all informed is a page on Facebook!  We'll continue to use the blog to communicate events and new experiments in all things beery, but plan on using Facebook for some of its more interactive features such as Discussion Boards.  Become a Fan today to show your support for The Bruery and ensure you'll always be in the loop!

Valentine's Day Gifts- Romantic, Elegant and Oh-so-Chic

Last Minute Valentine's Day Guaranteed to Impress
So you waited too long to get that Valentine's Day gift for her? Well, fear not, Ms. Cupid is here with a list of very romantic, inexpensive, delightful gifts. Stop by an antique store or secondhand shop and find that perfect, special gift! Here's a list lovely, elegant antique gift choices...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentine's Day at The Bruery

Not sure where to take your valentine before that nice dinner?  Come by The Bruery from 2-6pm on Saturday and enjoy some complimentary (and complementary) cheese and chocolate fondue with our fantastic beers!  Cheese...chocolate...beer...what more can you want?!?

Well, how about a NEW beer?  We'll also be doing a special pre-release of our spring seasonal, Saison De Lente.  Light blonde in color with a fresh hoppiness and a wild and rustic Brettanomyces character, this beer is ideal for spring.  It's lighter in color and alcohol than our Saison Rue, yet equally complex in its own way and perfect for warmer weather (ABV: 6.5%, IBU: 35, SRM: 4).

Thursday, February 5, 2009


After Jesus heard the news of John the Baptist's beheading, he was greatly grieved and went off to be alone and pray. A vast crowd followed Jesus and he had compassion on them and healed all their sick (Matthew 14:13-14). Jesus set aside his own grief and had compassion on the people. I've seen this type of servant-leadership demonstrated in my pastors. Day after day and week after week they set aside their own grief to minister to the needs of the people. God, I'm asking for a special blessing on these mighty servants who LIVE OUT LOUD the compassion of Christ.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Sweep Me Away

I love the lyrics to the song, Sweep Me Away, by Bryan Duncan. And, today that's my hearts cry. Sweep me away Lord. Hide me from the dungeons of evil where the captives lay. I'm growing weary from the arrows that fly. Yet, I will stay, patiently watching the sky.

Sweep me away
To an all new horizon on a brighter day
Sweep me away
From the dungeons of evil where the captives lay
Carrying on but waiting
Always ready, willing, I watch the sky
I'm in hope of seeing your face returning
I could never live here without you
I'm just waiting for the day you sweep me away
Like a sail in the ocean, on a windy day
Sweep me away
In the sparkle of sunlight on a distant bay
My ties here are temporary
I know that we're all running out of time
But I'm not gonna cry out to the rocks to hide me
Patiently I'm waiting here for you
Until there's nothing left to do but sweep me away
Sweep me away!
Coming back for me
I don't know when
But you'll have my allegience until then
Promises are true
They've always been
And I will live or die to honor you, yeah
Sweep me away
To an all new horizon
Sweep me away
From the dungeons of evil
Sweep me away
Like a sail in a the ocean
Sweep me away
In a sparkle of sunlight
Sweep me away!