Friday, July 25, 2008

How to Be the Perfect Grandma: Rules of the Game

There is a grandma in every family and we have a few at Finest Expressions as well. So when it was time to give one of our grandma's a gift for her birthday, we found this cute book with all the inside secrets on how to be a perfect grandma. The grandma feed back has been that its full of ideas on how to enjoy your grandchild, to be actively part of his/her life and how to deal with the parents as well.

About the Author

BRYNA NELSON PASTON is an overjoyed grandmother of six, aged three to ten, whom she calls “the music of my universe.” Formerly an editor of the Jewish Times (Philadelphia), she has written for numerous national magazines and newspapers. A graduate of Penn State, Paston lives in Fort Washington, Pennsylvania. Source:

Available at www.

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