Sunday, May 30, 2010

My Iphone Stolen

Damn emo day for me.

My Iphone was stolen today at Pavilion while attending the World Milk Day.

It was my own carelessness also la.

But I just left the table for less than a minute before this guy came and "conveniently" took my Iphone 3GS left on the previous table and LEFT!

By the time I realised my phone wasn't with me (which was less than 5 mins since I left it), it was obviously no where to be found.

How do I know? Because the whole thing was captured on CCTV!!

F*ck that bastard.

I hope he rots. I hope the Iphone explode in his face also!


Damn no mood to blog. :(

Might upload the video of the CCTV when I have the time.

Freaking super emo. It's not just about the monetary value of the phone (don't know about you, but yes the phone is expensive la for me); it's a sentimental phone my baby got for me for our anniversary during our Europe trip together.

It was a UK phone and it was only recently legally unlock from O2. Damn that lucky bastard.

Stupid local telco can't help me trace that fella down (my sim card was active even after two hours after being stolen, I think that person don't know how to switch it off), said unless I work closely with CIA they can't do anything about it. I don't want to mention which telco la, just damn sad la.

Maybe when tomorrow I feel better I will tell more about it.


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