Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Back to "everything in moderation"

They say you should never trust a skinny chef. Well, I am not quite sure who "they" is? What I do know is that it's August and I cannot blame the dryer for shrinking all of my summer clothing. This has definitely been a summer of indulgence. A lot of good food, a lot of festive drinks at the end of the day, a lot of good times. But, it's time to reign it in a bit and go back to the "everything in moderation" mantra that still lets me have fun but has me feeling way more "mom-a-licious" than I do today.

First step: loading the fridge and counter with healthy options.

Second: whipping up some tried and true recipes to have one hand like black bean salad, some roasted zucchini, making a batch of Giada's basil dressing so I can easily top grilled fish, chicken or stir it into quinoa, and sides like this wheatberry one that is hearty enough to be a vegetarian meal. If I plan to keep one or two of these recipes on hand, getting dinner on the table is a snap.

And lastly, the no brainer for most of my svelte friends but one where I seem to fall short: make time to workout. (Here's where I'd love your suggestions...since it's impractical for me to make it to a workout class until school starts I would be thrilled if you would post your favorite workout videos or home workouts in the comment section.) I've plugged it before, but think it's worth mentioning again... if you have a little one and are finding yourself in the same (um, shall we just say it: fat) predicament, then by all means, sign up for a Stroller Strides class in your town. The thought of borrowing someone's baby just to go back to these classes and feel great again has crossed my mind.

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