Or if it made you looked puffy and flabby, probably due to the graduation gown (which most probably was).
(I told you! It's the damn gown! THICK and FAT ok?!)
But don't you hate it even more when you have to pay TONS of money, like RM500-1000 (especially when you're graduating overseas and they charge in Australian dollars or Sterling Pounds) and for what? But a piece or two, or five at most of measly looking 12r, 8r or 5r size photos without the digital copies of those photos.
Which means if ever you run out of photos, or if your photos turn yellow in some distant future, you will never be able to re-print it again.
Which is why producing your very own digital photo is the most important.
1. Prepare
It's all about preparation, preparation, preparation.
Make up and dress up (even if it's under the suit).
2. Find a Monochrome Background
Can be either dark grey, or white. Or any neutral color that doesn't clash with your outfit of the day.
3. Ask a Friend for Help
To adjust your position, your hat, the placement of your gown and hood. Do select a location of good lighting.
Doesn't matter if you can't get a perfect shot. As long as you leave space for editing or cropping.
4. Upload to Photoshop
Now you have a raw photo. You'll need to do some editing.
Nothing is perfect, and especially as primitive as a compact digital won't get you the effect you want a SLR could bring, and definitely not a nice background to boot, what with studio and grand lighting that expensive package normally provide.
But have no fear.
Load the said photo to your photoshop (if you don't have it, buy one!).
5. Crop.
Enough said.
6. Liquify.
Liquify is like the most amazing feature in photoshop history.
If your rather fat outlook,
In fact, it can make your face smaller, sharper, your body toner, legs trimmer and transform you into a wonder beauty.
7. Adjust Lighting
If your photo is too dark, adjust to make it brighter. Go to Image -> Adjustment ->
and play with Contrast, Curves, Shadow/Highlight or even Color Balance.
My photo was good enough so I didn't need to change anything more.
8. Print out and Frame
Print it out at your local photo printer shop.
8x12 inch is a good size. But you can also opt for 8r size (8x10).
Ta da! Nice as ever.
I know the photo color doesn't look nice in the photo, maybe because I didn't set the lighting properly when I took this photo.
But trust me, it's really NICE.
Frame cost: RM16.90
Print cost: RM12
Total damage: RM28.90
Original price: AUD99 =~ RM290
Save:~ RM 260.
I saved RM250!
Take that money sucking universities!!
And I get to keep my digital copy.
In fact, you want to be more adventurous. Bring your camera and friends outdoor.
Have fun and go wild with the shots. You'll never know what you will come up with.
So guys, have fun at your graduation. ;)
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