I knew for a fact when I decided to travel down to Australia to graduate earlier this year, it was my intention to make the trip mostly about New Zealand, seeing I've seen most part of Australia on my last leg of Eastern Australian backpack journey.
So what I did was that after attending my convoy, I took a flight down to visit Tasmania (the last part of Southern Eastern Australia I have yet to step foot on then) for a week or so.
And proceeded to spend the rest of my travel expedition in kiwi land.
Spending time in New Zealand was really fun. I met up with lots of new friends, random strangers, hitch hike across the Southern Island and bunked with readers.
It's going to be quite an adventure to tell.
Not knowing how to begin, I'll start by introducing a fruit I've never heard before I arrived in New Zealand.
This is Feijoa fruit. The day I arrived, my host kindly cut up the fruit for me to try. While informing me that only New Zealand produced this fruit.
Not surprising, I thought, after all, New Zealand did rather look like it's situated in its own planet, away from every one else.
But after googling it, I realise that, and this is going to be a surprise to MOST Kiwis or New Zealand residents, Feijoa does not come from New Zealand, and it is not ONLY grown in New Zealand.
*shocking* now take a deep breath kiwis.
Read here. The fruit in fact originated from South America and have been spotted in some parts of America.
While it's not surprising to find them in Austalia and other small parts of Asia (due to their geographical distance). Though they do have a lot of these in New Zealand.
The fruit is also known as Pineapple Guava or Guavasteen. Taste like one too. Only sweeter, softer and easier to eat. Much easier to eat. There's no seed at all.
This is how you eat a Feijoa Fruit.
1. First you cut the fruit in half from side section like so.
2. Then you take a teaspoon and scoop the inside out.
Do it like how you would do it to empty half a half-boiled egg from its shell.
Twist it and scoop the flesh around its skin.
3. Then you eat.
Ermm.. Yummy.
Given the chance again, I could actually sit in front of the TV and eat this whole day long.
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