Slept throughout the day today again. And eight hours in the day time yesterday.
Will resume travelogue entries soon. Hopefully. Pray hard for me.
I really hate jetlags.
In the mean time, I have some happy news to share. :D
Two weeks ago (before my flight to SA), I received my white valentines present from my baby on our 16th month anniversary dinner.
It's a pair of diamond earrings from him! ^^
Reason being he lost my valentines gift when he was visiting me over CNY in Bangkok, well, not really lost, but kinda got confiscated by the custom officers for bringing in a rare plant to the country.
Stupid officers. T_T
Now I will never see what kind of gift I would receive on my valentines.
Stupid stupid officers. Ruined my surprise.
He got fined for that too.
After throwing (quite) a bit of tantrum for losing my gift (valentines is very very very important to me), and knowing that fact that I didn't receive any gift on our first year anniversary last year :((, I was feeling rather affected by the whole thing, emotionally wise (girls do what girls do best).
Afterall, I have nothing physical to commemorate these special days on - something a guy will NEVER understand.
*exhale loudly*
So I guess he tried to make it up to me on our 16th month.
What a weird day to commemorate on. -.-
But it's not how expensive the gift is, it's the thought and meaning behind it that counts.
(Though I'm not disagreeing that diamonds are really captivating)
Btw, baby drew this design himself. ^^
*muaks muaks* my cream puff!
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