Try waterfront. Also known as Victoria Wharf mall.
It's like KLCC to them.
2. Eat!
Really, try anything but Indian food.
No matter how good it looks.
Or how good it taste.
You're in South Africa for god's sake.
lobster.. ermm...
3. Drink!
Ever heard of South African wines?
Welcome to a country that produces its own alcohol.
Two words:
and Plentiful.
4. Take photo with a white South African!
just for shits.
or to prove to your friends that South Africans are not (all) black? LOL.
5. Buy Some Useless Things
Preferably something local. (You know, to show that you've been to South Africa)
Like a hand crafted embroidery ostrich egg.
Nothing can be more "South African" than that!
Or you can buy an ostrich lamp with shapes of natives dancers crafted on it.
This particular one looks like he's stroking his....
6. Listen to African Songs
They're actually pretty cool when you're feeling funky.
It's like songs for the funky moods.
7. Buy Some Expensive Useless Things
Decorate your house with it to show that you're sophisticated.
Think a piece of zebra skin on your floor in your wooden looking living room.
8. Go Shark Cage Diving
And get a piece of cheap ink printed cert to prove that you've been brave.
9. Take Silly Photos
We all have to do it at some point.
10. Visit Malay Quarter
Cause it's colorful there.
11. Go Up Table Mountain
Where else you find a flat-top mountain for you to cam-whore.
12. Go On A Road Trip
To anywhere.
Preferably along a coast.
Why not?
Cape Town has really nice mountain view and sea view.
And really narrow cliff roads to add the tinge of excitement.
Try Chapman's Peak. It's said to have killed many (reckless?) drivers.
13. See a Seal
A whole colony of them.
14. See a Penguin
Or two.
Or three.
15. Bring One Home
16. Visit Cape of Good Hope
Because it's iconic.
Just because.
Lastly, and most importantly.
17. Visit Lighthouse near Cape of Good Hope
Several reasons:
The view up there is amazing.
It overlooks Cape of Good Hope.
It's historical as well as iconic.
Last but not least,
you have noooooooooo idea how great it would do to your hair.
Good hair day if you ask me.
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