I've come to love the rebuke of the Lord. It's a comfort to know that the Creator of the universe loves me enough to give me that kind of personal guidance. And the great thing about God is that when he rebukes he also gives the way out. I came across this quote today:
"I don't mind the rebuke of the Lord. When people rebuke us, they leave us feeling bad. But when the Lord rebukes us, He gives the answer to our lack. After telling us what is wrong, He says, "I will show you the way." -- Ruth Ward Heflin, "Glory, Experiencing the Atmosphere of Heaven"
God most often disciplines his children in private. And if we don't heed that warning, a public correction is sure to follow. With man we make excuses, try to hide our faults, and play the blame game. But with God there are no excuses. We can't fool him. He knows us better than we know ourselves. Best to throw ourselves on the altar and let him pick up the pieces. God will not despise a broken and contrite heart (Psalm 51:17). Hallelujah!
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