Monday, September 29, 2008


Isaiah 50:4-5: "The Sovereign LORD has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught. The Sovereign LORD has opened my ears and I have not been rebellious; I have not drawn back."

After reading Isaiah 50:4-5, I began to ponder if I might be missing something. Does the LORD give us supernatural ability to hear Him in the morning? Does time spent with God first thing in the morning provide direction and/or corrections to our day that we would otherwise miss? I confess to being a morning person in most areas, but not in my prayer/devotional time. I'm blessed when I can squeeze in 15-20 minutes. In fact, I prefer long evening sessions of prayer, worship, & devotion. It's my bedtime routine and one I'm not likely to abandon anytime soon. It's my "cup of warm milk" and it gives me restful sleep. And yet, I wonder if God is leading me down this morning path; a path fresh with the morning dew. I purpose today to try an experiment and see where He takes me.

Today's prayer: "God, you are my morning and my evening and everything in between. I want to yield to your voice and follow it wherever it takes me, so I say YES, please lead me there and I will follow. Shake up my routine and help me explore new heights and new depths in YOU."

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