Sunday, September 21, 2008

Our New Logo & Other News

For the last little while, we have been working with OneUp Design Inc on creating a new logo that would reflect our company's brand and image.

Our new logo is fun, trendy and adorable! Take a look and let us know what you think.

On another note... due to the fast growing pace of our baby and wedding gifts line, we have decided to discontinue our gourmet and spa gift baskets. We want to focus our full and undivided attention on our baby diaper cakes and gift baskets along with our wedding and party favour products.

We are still designing custom gourmet, spa and other occasion gift baskets for our existing loyal clientele. If you'd like to order a custom gift basket for a particular occasion, just give us a shout and we'll be happy to help you out.

Lastly, our blog will also be going through some changes over the next couple of weeks. The content change will include posts on wedding reception and wedding showers ideas. We thought of creating a separate blog for our wedding line but between managing the business and our existing blog, it didn't seem like a feasible idea at this time. We are also excited about making changes to our blog layout which you will get to see in the following weeks.

That's all for now...Hope you had a wonderful weekend and are rejuvenated to take on the new week!

Finest Expressions

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