Thursday, October 2, 2008

Embedded Impurities

One of my favorite Bible teachers, Beth Moore, says that we all have embedded impurities, things from our past, areas of sin, temptation, or weakness, that even though we may not have "acted" on them in years, they're still there. Part of God's sifting or purification is to shake those things loose, to bring them to the surface one by one so that they can be purged. At any one point in our life, something can happen to shake one of them loose and it rears it's ugly head. Woe be unto us if we're not prepared to deal with it. You can just bet that the timing won't be the ideal time for us -- e.g. we may be at the "height" of our ministry and bam, out of nowhere we get hit. It is to our benefit to work with God to get those things out in private time with HIM before they are exposed in public time, all because we didn't deal with them. God will often allow private time for correction first and if we don't take heed, public correction is sure to follow.

Today's prayer:
"Oh God, it scares me sometimes to think what hidden things are still embedded within me. And yet, I want them out! When someone "bumps" me I want only YOU to spill out. I submit to your purging -- go after those things that are embedded; show them to me; and help rid me of them once and for all."

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