Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Luke 22:31-32: "Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."

In this passage, the first use of the word "you" is plural, meaning all of us; and the second use is singular, referring just to Peter. Like others, I have been through some seasons of sifting in my life. We can be sure that if we're being sifted then there is something in us that NEEDS sifting. But, Praise God! While we're being sifted, Jesus is praying for us. If anyone is going to pray for me, let it be Jesus. I know his prayers are heard and answered. Notice the scripture says "and WHEN you have turned back" -- this gives me courage because it doesn't say "IF you turn back." After our season of sifting we are strengthened
(that is, able to make use of our bitter experience for the fortifying of others) and in turn, can strengthen our brothers.

Today's prayer: "God, the seasons of sifting are unpleasant, but more bearable knowing that Jesus is praying for me. I have places I want to "go" in you -- so what must "go" in me in order for that to happen? It scares me to even ask, but ask I must because an unrefined life is not much of a life. Sift away; oh, but please do it quickly. I promise to cooperate."

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