Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Eagles and Buzzards

Do you soar with the eagles or hover with the buzzards?

Eagles spend their time soaring and when they’re not, they’re solitary, off some where in a high place waiting. This reminds me of Psalm 91: "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty!"

Buzzards spend more time on the ground than they do in the heavens. In fact, buzzards like to live in places like garbage dumps. They hang around the side of the road waiting for an accident. A buzzard’s discernment is not that accurate but it is trained to smell death. And that is the only thing a buzzard is interested in. It is interested in death. It is interested in rotten flesh and it likes to feed on it. It thinks it’s found a prize when it finds something that’s dead. Buzzards rejoice when they find death and gossip and slander.

An eagle on the other hand will not eat anything dead. They focus on life. They see past the problem and see the potential that the Lord has hidden in people. We have to make a commitment to look for the good, to soar high with the eagles, and to stay away from the garbage dump where the buzzard lives.

The only thing it takes to see what’s wrong with someone is a critical mind and one working eye. Let's strive to look at each other through the loving eyes of God. Each person is more valuable to him than a whole flock of sparrows. Let's soar with the eagles!

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