Thursday, January 22, 2009

Warfare Worship

Spiritual Weapons
(2 Corinthians 10:4) Let's remember some of the weapons that pertain to warfare worship:

Playing an instrument like David did (1 Samuel 16:23).

Psalms 144:1 says, "God has trained our hands for war and our fingers for battle." Singing praises silences the enemy (Psalms 8:2).

Shouting scatters the enemy (Joshua 6:20) and brings down the walls of strongholds like Jericho.

Clapping strikes the enemy (Psalms 47:1).

Dancing places the enemy under our feet (Malachi 4:3) and rhythm creates the tempo for God to beat the enemy through our praise (Isaiah 30:32).

Prophecy is the voice of the Lord that shatters the enemy (Isaiah 30:31).

The ultimate weapon is the presence of God which causes the enemy to melt like wax (Psalm 68:2).

Today's prayer: "God, I will sing praises to you and my enemies shall be silenced; I will shout loud praises to you, yes, and they shall scatter; I will clap my hands and dance before my God, placing the enemy under my feet; and I shall seek your presence, which will cause them to melt like wax. For you alone are God and you are the one I praise."

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