Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Finest Expressions On Urbanmoms.ca!

Urbanmoms.ca is an amazing online resource for moms and moms-to-be in North America. It hosts numerous interesting blogs on subjects such as latest entertainment news, modern day moms-tips, travelling, crafts and weight management. Experts give advice on education, financial management, fitness, work and life.

They have informative reviews on products that we all use as moms on day to day basis. They also have a section on movies and books reviews that I like to refer to before I hit the book or video store.

Fun promotions and exciting contests are also part of this online community. Their latest contests prize is Hannah Montana Movie DVD!

My favourite stop is the lounge where you get to read member blogs and inspirational stories of mom entrepreneurs. A collection of real life stories about how moms juggle the challenges of starting and manging their businesses while raising little munchkins. This week their Market Place features my story as a mom and an entrepreneur. Be sure to check it out and share your views!


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