Monday, April 13, 2009

Hiding and Spying

I'm currently reading a book by Edward T. Welch, "When People Are Big and God Is Small: Overcoming Peer Pressure, Codependency, and the Fear of Man"

I was particularly struck by a comment the author made about the way in which we hide behind walls. He implies we all do it to some degree; some walls are thicker than others. But in our hiding, we peek out through the cracks in our walls to "spy" on the lives of others. This spying takes on many forms. Two examples given by Welch: 1) following TV reality shows; and 2) reading "people-type" magazines. We feel as if we "know" these people if we can just get a glimpse into their lives. And, in truth, it makes us feel better about ourselves when we find out that others struggle with some of the same issues.

And then, it struck me, what about Facebook? Isn't Facebook a form of hiding and spying? We often friend people we barely know; maybe in hopes of actually getting to know them! I recently had someone "unfriend" me and it nearly drove me crazy trying to figure out WHO it was. Never did figure it out. That's absurd; ridiculous even. Apparently, someone I barely knew "unfriended" me and I took it personal. God, help me!

Today's prayer: "God, I pray that my hiding will occur in the secret place of the Most High! I pray that my spying will be done in the enemy camp in order to know and thwart the plans of the evil one. I pray for the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord to fall on me and remain. I pray that I will not succumb to the fear of man. I pray that I will live a life worthy of being spied upon, for the purpose of advancing the Kingdom and bringing encouragement and edification to the Body of Christ. All my hope is in you, the Light of the World."

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