Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hua Hin (Cha-Am) Part 1 : My Hotel Room

First... watch this video.

Do not scroll down until you watch the video k?

Don't spoil the fun, be a good sport.


So as you may see from the video.

This was my room!!!

four poster bedroom

Haha, finally, after going through so many places, here, here, here and here.
I finally arrived in Hua Hin! :D



four poster bed

From Richard's DSLR camera,

grand pacific hotel room

I hate it when I get a room all to myself. Especially when it's a super fancy room. Makes you feel lonelier. I want my baby!

Btw, I found out what's outside my balcony.

At first I thought it was the night view of Hua Hin,

hoho... It was WAYYYY better.

Check out the view I discovered from my balcony in the morning!

grand pacific Sovereign

Say Hello to Hua Hin!

grand pacific_verticall

You know, this is part of the reasons why I love travelling.

ps// I swam in that pool the night before. Tee hee

ps// Read Part 2. and Part 3.

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