Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dip/Spread to keep on hand: Edamame Hummus

If you have been reading the Full Plate blog for a while, you know that I enjoy making healthful foods for my family. But as a busy mom, I am also short on time. Lolling around in the kitchen, chopping things perfectly isn’t happening these days. I mean, I could do that. But given the minimal amount of "free time" I have in a day that would mean missing a yoga class, a volunteer meeting, or spending time with a friend. So, to keep things running smoothly at home, but to also make sure I get a little time to myself each day, I rely on a couple of quick and easy recipes that I can make ahead and have stored in the fridge and freezer. This way, I can whip up healthy snacks and meals for my family quickly and easily. Here’s a protein-packed spread/dip that everyone likes. It’s great as a dip served alongside chopped veggies or pita chips. And it also does double duty as a sandwich spread, packed into a whole wheat pita with some cucumber or bell pepper slices, for a nice quick lunch or snack.

Edamame Hummus

2 cups of edamame, cooked and shelled*
½ block of silken tofu, drained
3-4 cloves of garlic
¼ cup on olive oil
½ cup lemon juice (add slowly until it’s the taste you like)
1 teaspoon cumin
Optional: fresh cilantro and/or fresh parsley

Combine all ingredients in a Cuisinart. Blend until smooth. Feel free to add more garlic, lemon juice, cumin or cilantro to get it to the taste you and your family will like. Store in fridge, in a covered dish, until ready to serve.

*As a time saver, many markets sell them this way in the produce section.

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