Saturday, February 6, 2010

Village Life

Village Life by Nicole

My collection of photos taken with SLR 500D.

If you realise later in the post that the genre of things I like to take are very different from Gerald's.

While he fascinates himself with still objects and colors, which I do take sometimes, like this one,

flavoured ice sticks
flavoured colored ice sticks

I find myself taking more photos of living things: humans, animals, etc.

I guess it's been a really self-realising trip for either of us in terms of photography aspect.

So here's my collection. :)

kid eating ice cream
child and his ice cream



kid with chicken
child with chicken

on deck
deck life

kids fishing
village kids fishing

fish up
a hook!


fishing village
fishing village

evening view
sea life

shy girl
shy girl with fish

a kid

human transport
mini human cart


That's about it.
There are a few more on my flickr but if you follow my facebook, they should be there on the album for viewing soon. :)

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