Wednesday, March 10, 2010

2 learning experiences

One day last week, I filmed a pilot for a web TV show. A total learning experience, and so, so fun. That evening, my computer blew up. Another learning experience (no silly, of course I hadn’t backed anything up). Much less fun. Understatement. Basically, I have been “unplugged” for the past 7 days, with my fingers crossed, hoping that the computer experts would be able to at the very least restore my hard drive. No such luck.

I’d originally planned some minor fanfare since tomorrow is the 1-year-“anniversary” of the blog. But since everything happens for a reason, I am taking a little hiatus from posting until I have a legitimate computer again, where I can download my pics (and back them up this time around). I’ll be using this next week or two of downtime to work on some new ideas to share with you all! If it would be helpful, you can subscribe to these posts via email (upper right hand corner of the blog) so they come right to you when I am back in action. Until then, how about trying some of my favorite spring-inspired recipes posted this past year, like Greens & Cheese Pie, Lemon Rosemary Chicken, Lamb & Pistachio Meatballs with Yogurt Sauce, Mango & Chicken Quesadillas, or a Quinoa Salad with grilled fish or chicken. Roasting veggies can transition from winter's favorites like sweet potatoes and butternut squash to lighter things like Cilantro Roasted Zucchini. And if you're asked to bring a sweet treat to your next family gathering, maybe you could whip up a Clafoutis or Carrot Cake with lots and lots of Cream Cheese Frosting.

Posting that very first blog entry reminds me of why I spend precious free time jotting down these recipes for my friends...and their friends...and their friends...

Cheers to a fabulous year ahead, filled with delicious food we can prepare in a us all more time for our family, our friends, and ourselves.

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