Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Be Mindful To Be A Blessing

"Be extravagantly generous." (1 Timothy 6:18b, MSG)

"Be generous." (Ecclesiastes 11:1a, MSG)

"Generous hands are blessed hands because they give bread to the poor." (Proverbs 22:9, MSG)

I was at a restaurant the other day with a group of friends and something occurred to me about tipping. Suppose two customers walk in at the same time and are seated within moments. Customer #1 orders a sandwich and glass of water for a total of $3.99. Customer #2 orders a sandwich and soda for a total of $5.98. Both customers finish and receive their bills at the same time. Supposing that each customer tips the waiter/waitress 20%. Based on the bill total, customer #1's tip is $0.80 and customer #2's tip is $1.20. Here's the question: Was it easier for the waiter/waitress to serve customer 1 or customer 2? I say it was equal but look at the difference in the tip. Just makes you stop and think about basing your tip on generosity rather than the total of your bill.

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