Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Night Life

“I will praise the LORD, who counsels me, even at night my heart instructs me.” -- Psalm 16:7

What do you think of when someone says night life? What does it conjure up in your mind? Darkened streets, neon lights? Excitement? Psychics love it; Hollywood makes movies about it; and yet that kind of night life is all counterfeit.

There is an entire supernatural realm available to us as Christians. We don’t even have to leave home to get it; it’s available to us every night and it’s the real thing – supernatural guidance, warning and correction, instruction, healing, comfort, destiny, insight and wisdom, answers to questions, information, revelation, counsel, and even the secrets of others' lives.

Believers in Jesus Christ should have the most exciting night life ever!

"The pillow is the best counselor." And there is much truth in this saying, especially if we have first committed ourselves in prayer to God, and taken a prayerful spirit with us to our bed. Get some night life. :)

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