Monday, June 21, 2010

Pick Me!

"For many are called, but few are chosen." -- Matthew 22:14

Grandkids are the best! And mine are no exception. Last week, we had the boys (Aiden, age 4 and Leland, age 18 months) for about 12 hours while their parents were out saving lives (or something along those lines -- a nurse and an EMT).

My husband and I raised two kids on our own but somehow there are times when two grandkids seem like more than we can juggle all at once. What's up with that? Anyway, on this particular day I needed to run a quick errand so I said to Mike, "I'll take one of the kids with me and you can keep the other." Aiden, who was playing nearby, jumped up and raised his hand, and then with all the enthusiasm of a 4-year old said, "Pick me! Pick me!"

Aiden's enthusiasm is etched on my heart. He expressed genuine love and affection for being picked (or chosen), and he told me about it repeatedly on the drive. I drove, he talked, and I smiled.

I think God also looks around to see which of His children have their hand held up high in the air saying, "Pick me! Pick me!" I've often said to God, "I'm available" but have never used the words "pick me." May we be forever watching and listening for our Father to give us an invitation to participate in an assignment.

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