Thursday, January 20, 2011

I Will Follow

But Ruth said, "Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you; for where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God." -- Ruth 1:16

Twenty-five years ago, my husband and I uttered these vows from Ruth, and when I heard Chris Tomlin's song this morning, "I Will Follow" it occurred to me that there are a few things worth following no matter what. First, I will follow Christ, regardless of people, or hardship, or high water. I will follow the Holy Spirit's leading and guidance even when it doesn't make sense to my natural mind or the mind of others. I will follow righteousness (but not self-righteousness) and leaders who uphold that truth. I will follow the Inerrant Word of God and carry that Sword daily. I will follow the model of Christ by offering grace and mercy to my fellowman, being diligent to be generous and loving especially in their time of need. In these things I choose to be a follower.

I Will Follow, by Chris Tomlin

Where you go, I'll go
Where you stay, I'll stay
When you move, I'll move
I will follow...

All your ways are good
All your ways are sure
I will trust in you alone
Higher than my side
High above my life
I will trust in you alone

Where you go, I'll go
Where you stay, I'll stay
When you move, I'll move
I will follow you
Who you love, I'll love
How you serve I'll serve
If this life I lose, I will follow you
I will follow you

Light unto the world
Light unto my life
I will live for you alone
You're the one I seek
Knowing I will find
All I need in you alone, in you alone

In you there's life everlasting
In you there's freedom for my soul
In you there joy, unending joy
and I will follow

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