Sunday, February 6, 2011

"meatless monday" idea: cilantro-walnut pesto over whole wheat rotini

Those in the NY area may remember the first storm that kicked off this winter season? Or maybe it's all just a blur now? Anyway, this was what I made for our family when we arrived home-- at lunchtime-- after a more than 24-hour travel "adventure". The fridge was bare and we were all hungry and wiped out...but a peek in the freezer (frozen herbs & garlic), snack drawer (nuts) and pantry (pasta) I was able to improvise a delicious meal. This hit the spot and has become a consistent, simple, family-pleasing recipe in my "meatless" meal rotation.

Cilantro Walnut Pesto
(makes about 2 cups of pesto)

2 cups walnuts
6 cubes Dorot frozen garlic*
12 cubes Dorot frozen cilantro*
1 cup vegetable broth
dash of kosher salt

In a blender, combine all ingredients and pulse until smooth. Serve over your choice of pasta. Sprinkling of Parmesan optional.

* I get mine at Trader Joe's and just keep a stash of the basil, garlic and cilantro cubes in my freezer.

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