Thursday, August 18, 2011

RIP Olaf Vas

Olaf Vas teaching at Nick Weldon's Jazz School UK 
in Northamptonshire 

Reports are reaching us that saxophonist/clarinettist/ educator Olaf Vas passed away at the weekend, after a long struggle against illness. At one time a ubiquitous player on the London scene, and for many years a member of the resident band at the Savoy Hotel, Vas in recent years focussed on teaching, notably at Jazz School UK. Appearances as a player became increasingly rare, although he did play - memorably -  in a three tenor band put together by Eddie Harvey at Way Out West in 2007.  RIP.

UPDATE Aug 25th. The funeral of Olaf Vas will be on Thursday September 1st at 3pm.More details on request.

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