Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Other Side

"Ephraim mixes with the nations; Ephraim is a flat cake not turned over." Hosea 7:8

Picture this: a pancake in the skillet, not yet turned over. One side is done, the other still runny, bubbly batter. In Beth Moore's study of Esther, she points out that we are often just like that. We have one side that we show at work, at church, and in social situations. But there is often another side that few people get to see. She says that if we are to be fully used by God, we will have to be turned over .... expose it all and let God bake the other half. Our testimony is wrapped up in our destiny. Where we've been will be part of our ministry to others. We cannot be half-baked and effective for very long. Thanks Beth, as always, for your inspiring words.

Today's prayer: "God, I don't want to be a cake not turned, half burnt and half dough, none of it fit for use; a mixture of idolatry and the worship of the one true God, Jehovah. Take the spatula and flip me over; mold and make me into the person you've called me to be. Let me be the same in all circumstances -- at work, at church, at home, at play."

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