Saturday, August 15, 2009

Pageants Reunion

*PS to a certain someone, I'm not trying to prove anything. As you said once, blog is but a personal platform to express one's opinion.*

*sections of the article has been removed*

Last night I met up with a bunch of my girlfriends in JW Marriots from the pageant days. The girls were as beautiful as ever, each and every one becoming more successful than when we first met two years ago.

One went off to start her own boutique and launched three stores in Malaysia and Singapore, traveled harder than me and in more luxurious manner, and we were swooning over her 4.52 carat diamond ring on her delicate finger, not to mention her really outstanding bling bling around her neck.

Michelle, are those like, real diamonds? *Pointing to neck*

The other got off a long gruesome relationship and landed herself the man of her dream, rich, young, powerful, handsome (I've not met him lol) and charming. Together with it, she had landed a job she loved. Every other moment, you could just hear her purrrr...

Then there's also one who became a manager of a fancy restaurant, wow, indeed. Career woman alert!

All beautiful, young and successful.

I sat there, wondering. What have I achieved? Have I changed at all?

Well, for one, I traveled to more places that I can imagine two years ago. Among many other small things I personally thought wasn't worth mentioning. Like owning a blog for example.

Duh, everyone owns a blog nowadays. What's so special about it.

I used to think I found "the one", and months down the road, my ever after turned sour and I was stranded in some foreign country with a broken heart.

Then I met him.

One I thought could have changed it all.

But apparently..

I have not found my place yet.

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