Sunday, November 8, 2009

Report Police? Yea right~

Just so you know, we've already reported the case to the police, together with the culprit who drove away.

But you know what did the nice police men reply to us?

"Oh, it's like this one la~"

"There's nothing you can do about it. If you want write your details down and we'll see what we can do."

500 bucks say that they won't give a shit about "the case".

This only proved that rude Malay guy right. Sigh~ Really? Do our police force do anything at all?

After reading the comments posted in the previous post, I realized a lot of you have experienced similar things too. Is this a Malaysia culture?!

1Malaysia? My foot.

However, a reader commented as such.

You can go to JPJ wangsa Maju
Go to the Kaunter : Butir-Butir kenderaan
They will charge you RM20
you will get the details of the owner of the car
Just tell them that you just want to buy the car and need to validate the information to avoid fraud.

I think I might just do that.

You know how Murphy's law goes?

My tragic series of unfortunate events didn't end just there that night.

That night, my BB curve hang.

Well, kinda.
It didn't literally hang.

But because I "BB ON" my data plan but the network wasn't registering. I have to force shut the phone (took the battery out even) and when I switched it on again.

My Blackberry Messenger disppeared. And there was this icon asking me to upgrade my BBM. So yea, fine. Upgrade.

Guess what.

Upon upgrade.

I lost ALL my BBM contacts.


Now I need to collect them one by one again.

two contacts
Back to two lonely contacts. *sob*

But you guys who upgraded your bbm already don't have to worry a thing. Because the new upgraded BBM has the auto backup feature.

I wish I knew this earlier. T_T

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