Friday, November 6, 2009

WLV4273 Kelisa - Fat Bitch!

There’s only one thing more despicable than a hit-and-run, and that is a BAD BAD driver.

The type of bad driver that should not be allowed to have a permit to touch the wheel, least to say to drive.

But you know what’s more hateful than a bad driver?


WLV 4273

Silver Kelisa.

I'm watching you...

The lady (more like an ripen teenage looking aunty) who drove the car on the 7th Nov at 12am
in Jalan Alor (or more precisely, Jalan Changkat Tong Shin) was a fucking bitch who just hit and run on a BMW 3 series.

Yo anyone who knows this f*cking idiot FAT Chinese bitch who was flirting with a Malay dude in the middle of the night, probably looking for a few one night stands of her own, please tell her that she has the tendency to NOT KNOW how to reverse her LITTLE KELISA and scratched a BMW, drove out onto the street, even with the owner of the BMW standing next to her, upon instruction that she was to park at the side of the street and discuss this, actually drove on and AWAY!!!


This was the whole scenario earlier midnight.

WLV 4273

First we arrived at Jalan Tong Shin, where all the good food roams, with everywhere full parked.
So we managed to come in front of my boutique hotel where I was spending my few days in KL.

(I'm like on a hotel marathon every time I come up to KL, no point renting a place here since I'll be travelling again soon, so far I've stayed in Cititel, Sunway Resort, Pyramid Tower, Radius hotel, etc etc etc but that's another story)

Everywhere was full (of cars) and just right in front of my boutique hotel was this WLV 4273 Kelisa who despite its size, parked COMFORTABLY (to size in her lack of driving skill) in a space that's enough to fit in TWO cars!

driving in

We wanted to park, of course. Since there was no more parking space. So we got out of the car and asked nicely.

ask politely to move

ask to go away

And seeing that there were no where else to park and the fat bitch REFUSED to move her LITTLE kelisa and continued to FLIRT and CHAT with the Malay guy.

We decided to improvise.

park nex to fat bitch

We wheezed our BMW into the space, careful not to scratch or come to close to her car, and managed to fit into the parking space nicely.

Then after negotiated her price for the night and decided she was too cheap and cannot pay up to the Malay gigolo finished talking to her "friend", which was like 3 minutes later (bitch!), she was reversing out.

ample space to reverse out, it was side ways afterall

instead of hitting on reverse gear and steering her wheel left, she reversed in STRAIGHT LINE!!!


It doesn’t prove that girls parking and driving skills are bad.

It is just the FAT BITCH who is the sad specimen of the womankind. Shows that ugly bitch (on the inside and out) can’t drive, don’t’ have the moral sense to face her faults, nor have the BRAIN and ethical sense (there lack of) to drive away!!

And this was after being instructed (kindly by the victim whose car got scratched) on how to reverse her car out onto the street.


No sorries. Nothing!

1st: she parked in two space (it's only a Kelisa, how much space do you want?! F**k woman! what's the point of driving a small car if you can't even park properly provided a decent space)

2nd: she refused to drive out and and parked slightly to the left while she chatted on with his street fling, who told us off and asked us to go away

3rd: she was there only for another few minutes, is it so hard to accomodate when we asked so nicely to move??? doesn't her mother teach her anything? uneducated fugly pig! oh, i guess not, she was too poorly educated to know what was common courtesy.

4th: she decided to drive straight out and hit the car! (instead of asking us to move, even if she couldn't find us, she could have honked her car like most people do here in KL to inform and ask us to move ours if she already KNEW that her driving skill was THAT BAD. Or maybe she actually thought she passed her driving test with flying colors despite the fact that it was her dad who bribed the driving instructor to let her pass)

5th: when we saw that our car got hit, we dashed out and spoke to the fat bitch, taught her how to properly reversed her car so that she could be on the road again, and also asked her to drive to the side of the road so we could discuss this incident further.

And she drove further in front, and decided, she was going to pull a hit and run.

So she DROVE AWAY!!!

When we confronted the Malay guy whom she was chatting to earlier, assumed by us to be her friend, the Malay guy told us off!!! Said if we want we can report to the police!! WTF?!

He dared to "pakat" with her and probably was the one who asked her to run away and don't care!

SO yes, if anyone's seen a FAT (ok I don't know if she's fat, she was in a pony tail so she looked kinda plump hiding in her car) SLUT (well, who knows, why else would she be driving all alone in Jalan Alor talking to some random crude and rude single Malay guy on the street?) who's driving a Silver Kelisa by the Number plate of WLV4273.

Please kindly direct her to me.

I have a bill for her to sign.


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