Saturday, April 17, 2010

Funny Facebook Chat

Yesterday I left my laptop on while I went to play on my mom's computer.

And because I was browsing my facebook at that time so when I left the laptop, my facebook page was left online just like that.

Half an hour later, my baby walked towards my laptop screen (I was still playing at my mom's computer) and asked me to come over to take a look.

Apparently there was a facebook chat opened left by someone on my facebook.

If you've ever experienced why I never reply your chat msg on facebook, now you know why. :p

And then my baby consecutively spoke out the words that was typed on my facebook chat.

funny chat

I burst out laughing!!!!

Ok? Ok?


F U.


Oh man.. this joker is classic

What did I do to him?

Today I shall bring Chocolate to get an injection and perhaps her first grooming session ever since we got her. Does anyone know where I can find a pet shop that does cat grooming in Melaka?

ps// if you're going to scrutinise on why I never mask his name, well, I can't be arsed to. Besides, he swore at me, so why should I be polite? :)

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