Saturday, April 17, 2010

Super Easy Spring Side: Grilled Asparagus

Spring is here! And equally exciting in my world, I have a working computer again. I’ve actually had my computer back for several weeks now. See, I had these grand plans of launching a new site (at the recommendation of the web savvy producers who came up to film a pilot in our kitchen last month). But, instead of figuring all of that tech stuff out, I have been spending my free time taking yoga classes, jumping on the elliptical, playing outside with my kids, and cooking up a storm. That beats sitting at the computer!

So, for now we’ll stick with this same site and I’ll get back to sharing some great family-friendly recipes. First up for spring: asparagus.

One of my super simple spring sides involves tossing asparagus on our grill, drizzled with a little olive oil and some kosher salt. (I put the spears on foil, so they don’t slip through the grates on the grill.) Simply turn the grill onto medium high and grill the asparagus until it’s tender, but not soft. No one likes mushy asparagus!

This makes a perfect side at dinner, but can also add some green to your plate at weekend breakfast/brunch. (Pictured above: my grilled asparagus + a wedge of veggie frittata + Applegate Farms chicken maple sausages + some hearty toast + baked potato wedges that were sprinkled with herbs.)

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