Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Goose Bumps

This excerpt is from Bill Yount and worth repeating:

Worshiping God through daily obedience is perhaps our greatest challenge. Obeying God will not always give us goose bumps but will often cost us something. Have you ever obeyed the Lord and you felt like you didn't get anything out of it? Do you know why? It is because God got it all! Our life is not for us. It is all for Him. "Sacrificial" worship, perhaps Heaven's greatest attention-getter, is when we don't feel like obeying or praising the Lord but we do anyway. But when we do, God's heart skips a beat to be with us, whatever the problem.

I am pretty sure Paul and Silas didn't "feel" led to praise the Lord at midnight in prison. Their backs were against the wall as a result of their obedience in preaching the Gospel. But they had learned by experience that the midnight hour was perfect timing to worship in their perfect storm. They knew God could not resist praise and worship. His foot was bound to tap on the earth again for them, and you know the rest of the story! The jailer got the "goose bumps" as he witnessed his whole household receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior!

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