Friday, July 2, 2010

Last camp lunchbox of the week

It should be fairly obvious who hasn't gone to the supermarket the past couple of days. The only fresh fruit or veggie in today's lunchbox is the apricot (which I packaged in a little tub today after scraping a smushed one off the lunchbox last night. I thought my packing was foolproof yesterday but those lunchboxes must fly through the air then get kicked from boy to boy a few times before the children sit down to lunch?!).

Anyhow, here's what's in the lunchbox today: hummus and whole wheat pita chips for dipping, a fruit leather, raisins, a cheese stick (two for my older child), freeze-dried strawberries, and a very well protected apricot.

For those who wondered about the packaging (which my little one's counselors agreed is totally kid-friendly, as he can lift the lids off and on himself), here's that original post. My friend, Shiva, was mildly horrified that I sent snack in the first day in those plastic baggies since my handy dandy tubs wouldn't fit in the front pocket of the lunchbox, so she turned me on to Lunchskins, which look both fabulous and functional.

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