Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pray What You Pray

Have you ever paid attention to the prayers of Paul? Or Jesus?
Those prayers are quite different from what we tend to pray.
Those prayers are not about material things or for things to go easy. I would say they are focused on knowing Christ and being rooted in His love.

In Ephesians and Colossians, Paul prays for these things for the church:
-- the Spirit of wisdom and revelation
-- that the eyes of their hearts may be enlightened
-- that they may know the hope to which he has called them
-- for strength in their inner being
-- that Christ may dwell in their hearts through faith
-- that they will be rooted and established in love
-- that they will have power to grasp the depth of the love of Christ
-- that they may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God
-- that they will be filled with the knowledge of his will
-- that they will bear fruit in every good work
-- that they grow in the knowledge of God
-- that they would have great endurance and patience
-- that they would be joyful and thankful

And, Jesus' famous prayer in Luke:
-- not my will, but thy will

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