Saturday, July 31, 2010

Two (more) versions of Edamame Hummus...before I turn of the computer for a week

I am going to try to unplug for a week. We'll see if I can do it? And why does this seem like such a big deal? Hmmm, this must be why I am making myself truly unplug.

But, before I actually turn my computer off, I promised to share the quick recipe for Edamame Hummus with a friend. When I originally posted my recipe for Edamame Hummus, I was really trying to bump up the protein and I'd added tofu. But depending upon the day I make it, what I have in the house, and whether my kids are going to be bringing it to school/camp (in which case it needs to be nut free) the recipe changes a bit. The basics are the same though: edamame + olive oil + lemon juice + kosher salt. It is delicious (and so quick and easy) no matter how you make it.

The edamame hummus pictured above (which is the one I served up this week) is simply:

Super Quick (Nut-Free) Edamame Hummus

Edamame (cooked according to the package)
Lemon juice (to taste, I like a lot of lemon juice)
Olive Oil
Kosher salt
Dash of cumin
Pop everything into your Cuisinart and pulse until desired consistency, thinning with a bit of water if necesary.

Another Day's Version of Super Quick Edamame Hummus (with nuts)

Edamame (cooked according to the package)
Fresh Mint
Lemon juice (to taste, I like a lot of lemon juice)
Olive Oil
Kosher salt

Pop everything into your Cuisinart and pulse until desired consistency, thinning with a bit of water if necesary.

This is one of those recipes that kids can help make...I mean, what child doesn't love to be the Cuisinart button pusher?

I hope you enjoy this recipe. Many more good ones to come...have a great week.

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