Friday, December 31, 2010


It will be a few more days before I really get back to writing, but I wanted to take a moment to wish you a fresh and happy start to your New Year.

Over the break, I read cookbooks like they were juicy novels and tore countless pages out of magazines. So many new ideas for simple, healthful meals to share with you! I cannot wait. After we've had our fill of sledding, movies, good books and my children return to school, I'll get back into a writing rhythm.

In the meantime, for those who may be asked to bring an appetizer to a gathering this winter weekend, I gave that pesto torta a whirl on Christmas and it was delish. I highly recommend it for a crowd (though the leftovers are fabulous too spread on hearty bread). To make it look less Christmas-y you could substitute a kalamata olive paste for one of the two layers, making it purple/green or red/purple, your choice.

Simple (and totally decadent) Baked Brie

And as you cozy up inside with friends and family, you can not go wrong with a simple round of triple creme brie sliced horizontally and filled with caramelized onion confit (which I found in the gourmet section of our market) + blueberry jam + topped with some pistachios and baked at 350 until it melts into a gooey, decadent appetizer.

May your year ahead be filled with balance, dear friends, fresh air, simple healthful meals with your family...

a little adventure, and plenty of laughter.

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