Wednesday, December 8, 2010

comfort in a bowl: simple homemade soup

I caught a cold. It was bound to happen. Apparently I hadn't gotten the memo that there is no "Supermom Award", and so I was burning the candle at both ends and wham-o. Down for the count. Now that I am back up and looking at my to-do list with a more critical eye (what really needs to happen this week and what can be put off til next week...or 2011) I want to share the recipe for the soup I think did the trick:

Simple Homemade Turkey Soup
(makes plenty...enough until you're feeling well)

Carrots, chopped
Celery, chopped
Onion, chopped
Turkey (which I had leftover from Thanksgiving, shredded and frozen)*
2 32-oz containers organic veggie broth
6 cubes Dorot frozen garlic**
6 cubes Dorot frozen cilantro**
salt & pepper to taste
(frozen peas, optional)
(al dente pasta, optional)

Saute the carrots, celery onion in a bit of olive oil. Add the turkey (frozen or thawed, doesn't matter... you'll just have to cook the soup a bit longer if it's frozen) and the broth. Bring to a simmer. Pop in a couple of frozen garlic and cilantro cubes. Simmer for about a half hour or until your kitchen smells amazing and your mood starts to brighten. (Can also be frozen so you have it on hand the next time you get run down. Though, really, you should have learned your lesson this go round.)

* can always substitute a rotisserie chicken if you ate all of your turkey
** I buy this at Trader Joe's...perfect if you need fresh herbs in a pinch (or if you're feeling tired and just want to make soup fast)

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