Monday, June 27, 2011


He assigned the sea its boundaries and locked the oceans in vast reservoirs. -- Psalm 33:7

I love to watch the ocean waves hit the shore. Each wave knows its boundary and only comes that far. Only God holds the answer as to why some are permitted to come farther than the others. 

As I watched the waves at the beach this week I began to think about God's plan for us and why it seems some people's boundaries are set farther out than others. I have to believe that a God who numbers our hairs (Matthew 10:30) must surely work out the details of those boundaries for each child. Surely He knows just how far to let us wander before we crash. For me I prefer that He keep a tight rein on my boundaries for therein I find my safety. 

Today's Prayer: "Hem me in Lord, behind and before." (Psalm 139:5).

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