Friday, June 24, 2011

Two Sunday gigs from Tom Millar and Gareth Lockrane

Mike Walker: Photo credit: Vernon Hyde

Just back from holiday this morning, it's a joy to be writing about two linked gigs with just that right sprinkling of optimism. They're both on Sundays (one this, one next), they're both debut outings, they both involve the Mike Walker (above). Until quite recently, Mike was extremely successful in keeping virtually all knowledge of his genius as a secret within the BB4 postcode, but that secret is now definitely getting out!

This Sunday June 26th at the North London Tavern from 7 30 pm marks the debut of Tom Millar as bandleader. A couple of years ago, Tom was trying to make the Cambridge University undergraduate music course bend, extremely unwillingly, in the direction of jazz. After a stint at the Royal Academy of Music, he's now clearly in his element. I'm looking forward to Sunday. Tom's other band members are James Opstad on bass, Alex Roth on guitar, and Mike Clowes on drums. Featured composer: Mike Walker.

Next Sunday lunchtime 3rd July at Ronnie Scott's Mike Walker is featured as soloist with three small bands and one big band from the Royal Academy of Music's junior jazz programme. This Ronnie's gig marks the first major outing for Gareth Lockrane in his new role for the Academy's head of the Junior jazz department.

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