Thursday, June 2, 2011

Kiddie Menu

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." – Matthew 19:14

I love ordering off the kiddie menu at restaurants, mostly because of the small portion sizes. Unfortunately, not many restaurants allow “big” kids like me to do that. A group of us recently had lunch at Cracker Barrel and I ordered off the kiddie menu. One of my lunch companions said something like, “What are you, 5?” to which I responded, “Well, yes, considering I’m going to live for eternity I’m really pretty young.” And then I had to laugh.

As “mature” Christ-followers we tend to stop eating off the kiddie menu and we often stop having child-like fun. But, I’m not sure that’s the best plan. God loves kids. He loves those who come to Him like children. And I’m convinced that God wants us enjoy this life (John 10:10), so I’m going to order off the “kiddie menu” of this life as often as possible.

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