Friday, September 23, 2011

Drip Drip

"Let my words drip like dew, like gentle rain on grass, like showers on green plants." -- Deuteronomy 32:2

"My eyes drip [with tears] to God." -- Job 16:20

About a year ago I attended a session at Cincinnati House of Prayer. The guest speaker was Terri Terry from IHOP-KC (author of Silent Songs of Worship: God's Tabernacle Within Us). During her teaching she asked us to participate in a powerful exercise. She asked each of us to begin knocking on our chair and to continue knocking for one whole minute. When finished she said now, that's the equivalent of a continuous prayer movement. Your prayers should be a constant drip drip drip, filling the "bucket" in heaven and when that bucket is full it shall tip over and pour out the answers, the blessings, and the provisions.

Never stop praying because every prayer "drip" counts and you may just be one small drip away from tipping the bucket.

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