Thursday, September 29, 2011

Report: Anthony Strong EP Launch

Anthony Strong

Paul Jefferies reports from Tuesday's Anthony Strong EP Launch:
I love pizza, but I love jazz even more - so was delighted to consume both last night at the AJ Strong EP launch gig at Dean Street's Pizza Express.

Mr Strong served up a well rounded helping of jazz standards, performed with aplomb. Eloquent musicianship and some fine AJ Strong arrangements rendered the familiar exciting and the not so well know as intriguing. However, the highlights for me were Strong's solo piano and voice interlude (especially the exquisite 'I'm Through With Love" and a duet performing a truly Jazz version of L.O.V.E with erudite bassist Tom Farmer.

Although I felt myself wanting a little more 'soul' on occasion this was overall a technically superb performance with some very great musical moments. 

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