Sunday, September 25, 2011

News x 3 about Stacey Kent

Three interesting dates in the diary of adoptive Londoner Stacey Kent..

October 12th. She has been invited to perform at the eightieth anniversary celebrations of the 40-metre Cristo O Redentor (Christ the Redeemer) statue on Copacabana mountain. See the preparations above (for the anniversary, rather than specifically for Stacey Kent's performance...)

October 31st. Stacey Kent's third album for Blue Note, "Dreamer in Concert," recorded in concert at La Cigale in Paris in May, will be released in the UK on October 31st. The first two have sold in large quantities, above all in France, where Kent has been honoured with a Chevalier d'Honneur des Arts et Lettres.

October 31st to November 4th. Five nights at Ronnie Scott's .

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