Tuesday, October 11, 2011

London City Big Band - Sunday 1 30pm - Spice of Life

Have logo, will travel. A new Big Band, featuring a new generation of players, is born.

This Sunday 16th at 1 30pm at  the Spice of Life on Cambridge Circus,  the London City Big Band with vocalist Billy Boothroyd make their debut. They are recent graduates from the London colleges.

They're telling me : Sinatra classics..... much loved charts by Basie, Ellington, Stan Kenton and more!
And asking us: "It would be incredible if we could pack this lovely place out with friendly faces! Bring all the family, dogs, cats and friends."

GOOD LUCK!!! Here's the full line-up
Saxes: Tommy Andrews, Sam Braysher, Alec Harper, Ru Pattison (2011 Scottish young Jazz Musician of the Year) , Caspar Sutton-Jones
Trumpets: Barney Lowe, Chris Snead, Adam Chatterton, Miguel Gorodi
Trombones: Zeb Tonkin, Chris Saunders, Phil Drew, Sam Freeman
Piano: Dougie Freeman, Bass: Nic Breakspear, Guitar: Felix Jozsa, Drums: James Nall

DOORS OPEN: 1PM & music kicks off at 1.30PM & finishes by 4PM
Bookings : tel-text 07870 915682/ info[at] spicejazz.co.uk

London City Big Band on Facebook

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