Friday, October 7, 2011

Power of Suggestion

"We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." -- 2 Corinthians 10:5

"There must be a spiritual renewal of your thoughts and attitudes." -- Ephesians 4:23

There is so much power in suggestion; much more than we realize. Just the other day I overheard someone say, "so and so did such and such." And wouldn't you know the very next time I saw "so and so" my flesh immediately remembered that statement. Grrrr, I wish I had never heard it because it is hard to keep our flesh silent, which is why I love this cartoon. This suggestion box is actually a paper shredder! Now, if only we could shred all those negative suggestions that bombard our lives day in and day out! Once something is shredded it's nearly impossible to put it back together, especially if you have one of those super confetti shredders.

Today's prayer: "God, I choose to take captive every negative thought and place it in the shredder of a renewed mind. Amen."

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