Thursday, June 25, 2009


"I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked." -- Psalm 84:10

God knows we need more doorkeepers than we do kings or presidents. We need people who know how to access God's presence and open the door for the glory of God to come into our homes, churches, cities, and nations.

"Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up you everlasting doors! And the King of Glory shall come in." -- Psalm 24:7

What does it mean to be a doorkeeper? Think of holding up the heaviest garage door you can imagine. Your arms are lifted upward in praise and worship. The breeze of God's presence is blowing through the open door. Doorkeepers are in the best position to catch that breeze. They are literally the gateway for the rest of the world to have an encounter with God.

We often miss the mark when we prefer to go inside and let the door swing shut behind us. In that mindset, we don't care about the world as long as we get it. A doorkeeper props open the heavens; invites others to enter in; stands in the gap and keeps the door open. The doorkeeper gets the richest blessing just by standing at the point of access.

The Lord is standing at the door and knocking. The oil of His presence is on the doorknob. The doorkeeper gets to touch that doorknob over and over and over. The anointing is transferred to the hand of the doorkeeper.

Today's prayer: "God, I want to be a doorkeeper for you, in this city."

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