Monday, June 1, 2009


"The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them." (Psalms 2:4)

I love to laugh. Sometimes, I laugh when I pray. Some might say that laughter is not very "HOLY." But holiness means "wholeness" and "set apart." It also means "uncommon." I'm sure you have been in meetings, or even by yourself, when the spirit of laughter just hits you for no apparent reason. The Bible says that God looks on His enemies and laughs and holds them "in derision" (Psalm 2:4). So, if God laughs then He must be laughing because of the victory that is assured. I'm committed to joining in on that laughter any time it comes. :)

"Laughter is the Echo of the Vacant Grave..."
(Borrowed from Mabel Andlers)
Laughter—uncontrollable joy.
Laughter—the outward manifestation of being more than a conqueror.
Laughter is the sound of Resurrection Morning echoing throughout eternity.
Laughter is seeing our Captain of the Hosts, holding the keys!!!
Laughter does a heart good, like a medicine.
Laughter is an exceedingly, abundant, above and beyond attempt by the physical body to express a full picture of redemption.
It is diving into and swimming the breadth, the length, the height and depth of His love.
Laughter = spasms of uncontrollable God laughter, incapacitating the physical body.
When enabled, laughter walks on the wings of the wind...upon clouds, and is carried in God's arms. Unknowing and uncaring of where it's been or for how long.
It is the garment of praise unleashed into a broken world.
Touch these vessels with much care, fullness of JOY may contagiously overflow.
Laughter is the echo of the vacant grave...

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