Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Short Leash

“Everything is permissible for me – but not everything is beneficial.” -- 1 Corinthians 6:12

I once decided to write a book entitled “Living on a short leash with God and loving it!” Other than the title and a couple starts at chapter one I put it to rest. It’s in the book graveyard with other great titles such as .... “Unity: What can we learn from the ant?” or “Have you lost your first love and become religious?” Maybe someday these book titles will become sermons. :)

The concept of the “short leash” is one I practice daily. I propose that the shorter my “leash” is with God, the better my life gets. Once we come into salvation through Jesus Christ, we usually begin refining our practices. For example, we may stop doing certain things or going certain places. The deeper our walk gets with God, the more we discipline ourselves, and the leash begins to shorten.

First, it is important to note that the leash was not put on me by God. I put it on myself out of love for Christ. I want to please him. I want to choose the best. There is safety in a short leash because the choices become few. I love that! No longer do I have to decide if it’s okay to do “x, y, or z”, the decision is already made and I’m restrained by the “leash” (or by my word or by my decision to manage my decision).

Second, as the leash becomes shorter my proximity to HIM becomes closer. And, I would also propose that the shorter the leash is, the closer I am to HIS voice; the easier I recognize those slight tugs of adjustment; and the easier it is to be overshadowed by HIM. There is definitely safety in a short leash with God and I’m loving it!

Today’s prayer: “God, everything is permissible for me but not everything is beneficial. How true that is! Thank you for the ability to make choices. Today I choose you! I choose to be bound to you as tight as a belt around your waist. Thank you that you will never let go of me. Amen.”

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